Matazo KAYAMA 加山又造 1927-2004
1927年、京都府生まれ。父は西陣織衣装図案師のもと幼少時から絵に親しむ。44年、東京美術学校日本画科入学。戦後「創造美術『後の創画会』」に所属し革新を担う若き作家として注目される。59年「轟会」を発足。日本工芸の意匠と技法を取り込み装飾性の高い作品を制作。70年代以降、水墨に取組み身延山久遠寺天井画や、晩年の天龍寺の天井画が有名。97年に文化功労者、03年に文化勲章受章。04年に病没。特長は日本画の枠組みに捉われない革新性にあり、シュルレアリスムやキュビズムなどを取り入れたほか、エアブラシを用いるなど現代日本画に新風を吹き込んだ。その作風は10年ごとに変化。50年代には動物画を多く、60年代には琳派を彷彿とさせる華麗な装飾表現を、70年代以降は伝統的な水墨表現に立ち返り天井画や屏風を制作。又、銅版画等にも取り組み独自の境地を開いた。海外評価も高く58年にグッゲンハイム国際美術展に出品。以降90年にパリ、93年に北京及び上海の美術館、96年に大英博物館にて個展を開催。04年死去後も、日本各地で回顧展が開催されている。 Born in 1927 in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Entered the Japanese Painting Department of Tokyo Fine Arts School in 1944, and after the war became a member of the "Souzou Bijutsu (later known as Soga-kai)" and attracted attention as a young artist leading innovation. After the war, he became a member of the "Souzou Bijutsu (Creative Art) Society" and attracted attention as a young artist who would lead the way in innovation. In the 1970s, he began to work in ink and wash, and became famous for the ceiling paintings of Kuon-ji Temple at Minobu-zan and the ceiling paintings of Tenryu-ji Temple in his later years. He was known for his innovativeness, which was not bound by the framework of Japanese-style painting, and he breathed new life into modern Japanese-style painting by incorporating surrealism and cubism and using an airbrush. His style changed from decade to decade: in the 1950s, he produced many animal paintings; in the 1960s, he created decorative works reminiscent of the Rimpa school; and from the 1970s onward, he returned to the traditional ink and wash style, producing ceiling paintings and folding screens. Since the 1970s, he has returned to the traditional ink and wash style to produce ceiling paintings and folding screens. He also broke new ground in copperplate engraving and other media. His work has been highly acclaimed overseas, and he exhibited at the Guggenheim International Art Exhibition in 1958. After his death in 2004, retrospective exhibitions of his work have been held in various locations in Japan. <title> 横になる裸婦’84 Lying nude woman’84 <printmaking year> 1984 <techniques> 銅版画 etching <sign> サインあり with sign <edition> 22/125 <size> sheet size/57.0×75.5㎝ image size/29.3×39.0㎝ <condition> excellent(良好) この商品はシートのみです。 額が必要な方はご相談ください。 This product is only for a sheet. Please contact us if you need a frame.
Matazo KAYAMA 加山又造 1927-2004
1927年、京都府生まれ。父は西陣織衣装図案師のもと幼少時から絵に親しむ。44年、東京美術学校日本画科入学。戦後「創造美術『後の創画会』」に所属し革新を担う若き作家として注目される。59年「轟会」を発足。日本工芸の意匠と技法を取り込み装飾性の高い作品を制作。70年代以降、水墨に取組み身延山久遠寺天井画や、晩年の天龍寺の天井画が有名。97年に文化功労者、03年に文化勲章受章。04年に病没。特長は日本画の枠組みに捉われない革新性にあり、シュルレアリスムやキュビズムなどを取り入れたほか、エアブラシを用いるなど現代日本画に新風を吹き込んだ。その作風は10年ごとに変化。50年代には動物画を多く、60年代には琳派を彷彿とさせる華麗な装飾表現を、70年代以降は伝統的な水墨表現に立ち返り天井画や屏風を制作。又、銅版画等にも取り組み独自の境地を開いた。海外評価も高く58年にグッゲンハイム国際美術展に出品。以降90年にパリ、93年に北京及び上海の美術館、96年に大英博物館にて個展を開催。04年死去後も、日本各地で回顧展が開催されている。 Born in 1927 in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Entered the Japanese Painting Department of Tokyo Fine Arts School in 1944, and after the war became a member of the "Souzou Bijutsu (later known as Soga-kai)" and attracted attention as a young artist leading innovation. After the war, he became a member of the "Souzou Bijutsu (Creative Art) Society" and attracted attention as a young artist who would lead the way in innovation. In the 1970s, he began to work in ink and wash, and became famous for the ceiling paintings of Kuon-ji Temple at Minobu-zan and the ceiling paintings of Tenryu-ji Temple in his later years. He was known for his innovativeness, which was not bound by the framework of Japanese-style painting, and he breathed new life into modern Japanese-style painting by incorporating surrealism and cubism and using an airbrush. His style changed from decade to decade: in the 1950s, he produced many animal paintings; in the 1960s, he created decorative works reminiscent of the Rimpa school; and from the 1970s onward, he returned to the traditional ink and wash style, producing ceiling paintings and folding screens. Since the 1970s, he has returned to the traditional ink and wash style to produce ceiling paintings and folding screens. He also broke new ground in copperplate engraving and other media. His work has been highly acclaimed overseas, and he exhibited at the Guggenheim International Art Exhibition in 1958. After his death in 2004, retrospective exhibitions of his work have been held in various locations in Japan. <title> 黒いガウンの裸婦’85 Nude Woman in Black Gown '85 <printmaking year> 1985 <techniques> 銅版画 etching <sign> サインあり with sign <edition> 76/100 <size> sheet size/48.0×57.0㎝ image size/26.6×38.3㎝ <condition> excellent(良好) この商品はシートのみです。 額が必要な方はご相談ください。 This product is only for a sheet. Please contact us if you need a frame.
Matazo KAYAMA 加山又造 1927-2004
1927年、京都府生まれ。父は西陣織衣装図案師のもと幼少時から絵に親しむ。44年、東京美術学校日本画科入学。戦後「創造美術『後の創画会』」に所属し革新を担う若き作家として注目される。59年「轟会」を発足。日本工芸の意匠と技法を取り込み装飾性の高い作品を制作。70年代以降、水墨に取組み身延山久遠寺天井画や、晩年の天龍寺の天井画が有名。97年に文化功労者、03年に文化勲章受章。04年に病没。特長は日本画の枠組みに捉われない革新性にあり、シュルレアリスムやキュビズムなどを取り入れたほか、エアブラシを用いるなど現代日本画に新風を吹き込んだ。その作風は10年ごとに変化。50年代には動物画を多く、60年代には琳派を彷彿とさせる華麗な装飾表現を、70年代以降は伝統的な水墨表現に立ち返り天井画や屏風を制作。又、銅版画等にも取り組み独自の境地を開いた。海外評価も高く58年にグッゲンハイム国際美術展に出品。以降90年にパリ、93年に北京及び上海の美術館、96年に大英博物館にて個展を開催。04年死去後も、日本各地で回顧展が開催されている。 Born in 1927 in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Entered the Japanese Painting Department of Tokyo Fine Arts School in 1944, and after the war became a member of the "Souzou Bijutsu (later known as Soga-kai)" and attracted attention as a young artist leading innovation. After the war, he became a member of the "Souzou Bijutsu (Creative Art) Society" and attracted attention as a young artist who would lead the way in innovation. In the 1970s, he began to work in ink and wash, and became famous for the ceiling paintings of Kuon-ji Temple at Minobu-zan and the ceiling paintings of Tenryu-ji Temple in his later years. He was known for his innovativeness, which was not bound by the framework of Japanese-style painting, and he breathed new life into modern Japanese-style painting by incorporating surrealism and cubism and using an airbrush. His style changed from decade to decade: in the 1950s, he produced many animal paintings; in the 1960s, he created decorative works reminiscent of the Rimpa school; and from the 1970s onward, he returned to the traditional ink and wash style, producing ceiling paintings and folding screens. Since the 1970s, he has returned to the traditional ink and wash style to produce ceiling paintings and folding screens. He also broke new ground in copperplate engraving and other media. His work has been highly acclaimed overseas, and he exhibited at the Guggenheim International Art Exhibition in 1958. After his death in 2004, retrospective exhibitions of his work have been held in various locations in Japan. <title> レースの裸婦① Lace nude woman (1) <printmaking year> 1978 <techniques> リトグラフ lithograph <sign> サインあり with sign <edition> 95/95 <size> sheet size/50.5×66.0㎝ image size/36.0×54.0㎝ <condition> excellent(良好) この商品はシートのみです。 額が必要な方はご相談ください。 This product is only for a sheet. Please contact us if you need a frame.
Matazo KAYAMA 加山又造 1927-2004
1927年、京都府生まれ。父は西陣織衣装図案師のもと幼少時から絵に親しむ。44年、東京美術学校日本画科入学。戦後「創造美術『後の創画会』」に所属し革新を担う若き作家として注目される。59年「轟会」を発足。日本工芸の意匠と技法を取り込み装飾性の高い作品を制作。70年代以降、水墨に取組み身延山久遠寺天井画や、晩年の天龍寺の天井画が有名。97年に文化功労者、03年に文化勲章受章。04年に病没。特長は日本画の枠組みに捉われない革新性にあり、シュルレアリスムやキュビズムなどを取り入れたほか、エアブラシを用いるなど現代日本画に新風を吹き込んだ。その作風は10年ごとに変化。50年代には動物画を多く、60年代には琳派を彷彿とさせる華麗な装飾表現を、70年代以降は伝統的な水墨表現に立ち返り天井画や屏風を制作。又、銅版画等にも取り組み独自の境地を開いた。海外評価も高く58年にグッゲンハイム国際美術展に出品。以降90年にパリ、93年に北京及び上海の美術館、96年に大英博物館にて個展を開催。04年死去後も、日本各地で回顧展が開催されている。 Born in 1927 in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Entered the Japanese Painting Department of Tokyo Fine Arts School in 1944, and after the war became a member of the "Souzou Bijutsu (later known as Soga-kai)" and attracted attention as a young artist leading innovation. After the war, he became a member of the "Souzou Bijutsu (Creative Art) Society" and attracted attention as a young artist who would lead the way in innovation. In the 1970s, he began to work in ink and wash, and became famous for the ceiling paintings of Kuon-ji Temple at Minobu-zan and the ceiling paintings of Tenryu-ji Temple in his later years. He was known for his innovativeness, which was not bound by the framework of Japanese-style painting, and he breathed new life into modern Japanese-style painting by incorporating surrealism and cubism and using an airbrush. His style changed from decade to decade: in the 1950s, he produced many animal paintings; in the 1960s, he created decorative works reminiscent of the Rimpa school; and from the 1970s onward, he returned to the traditional ink and wash style, producing ceiling paintings and folding screens. Since the 1970s, he has returned to the traditional ink and wash style to produce ceiling paintings and folding screens. He also broke new ground in copperplate engraving and other media. His work has been highly acclaimed overseas, and he exhibited at the Guggenheim International Art Exhibition in 1958. After his death in 2004, retrospective exhibitions of his work have been held in various locations in Japan. <title> ざくろ Punica granatum <printmaking year> 1999 <techniques> 銅版画 etching <sign> サインあり with sign <edition> 70/100 <size> sheet size/34.0×38.0㎝ image size/13.8×18.5㎝ <condition> excellent(良好) この商品は額付きです。 This product has a frame.
Matazo KAYAMA 加山又造 1927-2004
1927年、京都府生まれ。父は西陣織衣装図案師のもと幼少時から絵に親しむ。44年、東京美術学校日本画科入学。戦後「創造美術『後の創画会』」に所属し革新を担う若き作家として注目される。59年「轟会」を発足。日本工芸の意匠と技法を取り込み装飾性の高い作品を制作。70年代以降、水墨に取組み身延山久遠寺天井画や、晩年の天龍寺の天井画が有名。97年に文化功労者、03年に文化勲章受章。04年に病没。特長は日本画の枠組みに捉われない革新性にあり、シュルレアリスムやキュビズムなどを取り入れたほか、エアブラシを用いるなど現代日本画に新風を吹き込んだ。その作風は10年ごとに変化。50年代には動物画を多く、60年代には琳派を彷彿とさせる華麗な装飾表現を、70年代以降は伝統的な水墨表現に立ち返り天井画や屏風を制作。又、銅版画等にも取り組み独自の境地を開いた。海外評価も高く58年にグッゲンハイム国際美術展に出品。以降90年にパリ、93年に北京及び上海の美術館、96年に大英博物館にて個展を開催。04年死去後も、日本各地で回顧展が開催されている。 Born in 1927 in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Entered the Japanese Painting Department of Tokyo Fine Arts School in 1944, and after the war became a member of the "Souzou Bijutsu (later known as Soga-kai)" and attracted attention as a young artist leading innovation. After the war, he became a member of the "Souzou Bijutsu (Creative Art) Society" and attracted attention as a young artist who would lead the way in innovation. In the 1970s, he began to work in ink and wash, and became famous for the ceiling paintings of Kuon-ji Temple at Minobu-zan and the ceiling paintings of Tenryu-ji Temple in his later years. He was known for his innovativeness, which was not bound by the framework of Japanese-style painting, and he breathed new life into modern Japanese-style painting by incorporating surrealism and cubism and using an airbrush. His style changed from decade to decade: in the 1950s, he produced many animal paintings; in the 1960s, he created decorative works reminiscent of the Rimpa school; and from the 1970s onward, he returned to the traditional ink and wash style, producing ceiling paintings and folding screens. Since the 1970s, he has returned to the traditional ink and wash style to produce ceiling paintings and folding screens. He also broke new ground in copperplate engraving and other media. His work has been highly acclaimed overseas, and he exhibited at the Guggenheim International Art Exhibition in 1958. After his death in 2004, retrospective exhibitions of his work have been held in various locations in Japan. <title> 蝶 butterfly <printmaking year> 1986 <techniques> 銅版画 etching <sign> サインあり with sign <edition> 71/195 <size> sheet size/76.5×57.0㎝ image size/44.6×32.4㎝ <condition> excellent(良好) この商品はシートのみです。 額が必要な方はご相談ください。 This product is only for a sheet. Please contact us if you need a frame.
Matazo KAYAMA 加山又造 1927-2004
1927年、京都府生まれ。父は西陣織衣装図案師のもと幼少時から絵に親しむ。44年、東京美術学校日本画科入学。戦後「創造美術『後の創画会』」に所属し革新を担う若き作家として注目される。59年「轟会」を発足。日本工芸の意匠と技法を取り込み装飾性の高い作品を制作。70年代以降、水墨に取組み身延山久遠寺天井画や、晩年の天龍寺の天井画が有名。97年に文化功労者、03年に文化勲章受章。04年に病没。特長は日本画の枠組みに捉われない革新性にあり、シュルレアリスムやキュビズムなどを取り入れたほか、エアブラシを用いるなど現代日本画に新風を吹き込んだ。その作風は10年ごとに変化。50年代には動物画を多く、60年代には琳派を彷彿とさせる華麗な装飾表現を、70年代以降は伝統的な水墨表現に立ち返り天井画や屏風を制作。又、銅版画等にも取り組み独自の境地を開いた。海外評価も高く58年にグッゲンハイム国際美術展に出品。以降90年にパリ、93年に北京及び上海の美術館、96年に大英博物館にて個展を開催。04年死去後も、日本各地で回顧展が開催されている。 Born in 1927 in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Entered the Japanese Painting Department of Tokyo Fine Arts School in 1944, and after the war became a member of the "Souzou Bijutsu (later known as Soga-kai)" and attracted attention as a young artist leading innovation. After the war, he became a member of the "Souzou Bijutsu (Creative Art) Society" and attracted attention as a young artist who would lead the way in innovation. In the 1970s, he began to work in ink and wash, and became famous for the ceiling paintings of Kuon-ji Temple at Minobu-zan and the ceiling paintings of Tenryu-ji Temple in his later years. He was known for his innovativeness, which was not bound by the framework of Japanese-style painting, and he breathed new life into modern Japanese-style painting by incorporating surrealism and cubism and using an airbrush. His style changed from decade to decade: in the 1950s, he produced many animal paintings; in the 1960s, he created decorative works reminiscent of the Rimpa school; and from the 1970s onward, he returned to the traditional ink and wash style, producing ceiling paintings and folding screens. Since the 1970s, he has returned to the traditional ink and wash style to produce ceiling paintings and folding screens. He also broke new ground in copperplate engraving and other media. His work has been highly acclaimed overseas, and he exhibited at the Guggenheim International Art Exhibition in 1958. After his death in 2004, retrospective exhibitions of his work have been held in various locations in Japan. <title> 翡翠(かわせみ) Kingfisher <printmaking year> 1987 <techniques> 銅版画 etching <sign> サインあり with sign <edition> 14/195 <size> sheet size/75.0×57.0㎝ image size/44.4×32.6㎝ <condition> excellent(良好) この商品はシートのみです。 額が必要な方はご相談ください。 This product is only for a sheet. Please contact us if you need a frame.